
Important Terms In Literature

  " Important Terms In Literature 1.Comedy :   It is a type of drama   in which characters amuse the audience and it ends happily. 2.Classical: Classical means a piece of literature that shows the traditions and modes of Greek and Latin writing. 3.Antithesis : Antithesis means reversal of Something it describe the opposite Someone of something.   4.Allusion: It is used for direct reference. It can be person or piece of   text. 5.Allegory: It is used to reveal the true story or hidden meanings. In this type of term characters stand for an abstract idea. It's purpose is to moralize people. 6.Alliteration: It is a stylistic device used to describe The repetition of consonant in 2 or more words. 7.Ballads: It is form of Verse. It is poem or song which describes the story in stanza. 8.Biography:   It is type of literature in which history of person's life written by one else. 9.Blank Verse: It is type of verse written in ia...

What is writing Skills/Types Of writing skills

  Writing Skills.   Definition Writing is a medium of human communication that represents Language and emotions through the inscription or recording of Sign and symbols. Types of writing skills: The types of writing skills are as fallows: 1.       Expository writing 2.         Narrative writing 3.       persuasive writing 4.         Descriptive writing 5.         creative writing. 1.Expository writing: In this form of writing the writer tries to inform and explain the concept thoroughly to the to the reader with required facts and figure. When you read a scholarly article, a textbook page, a news report, or an instructional guide, you’re reading expository writing.  2.Narrative writing: Narrative writing a story or sharing an experience with readers. Narrative can be essays, fairy tales, movies and jokes. 3. Per...

Introduction To Grammar/ Types Of Grammar

  INTRODUCTION TO GRAMMAR Grammar is the set of rules that guide us to learn a language. These rules are derived from a refined or established language. A native speaker does not need to learn these rules rather he gets command over the rules) unconsciously o rather spontaneously during the early months of his/her childhood: The word grammar that you have been listening since the time unknown, comes from Greek meaning "craft of letters". Definition :   "The systematic study and description of a language is Grammar". Hence Grammar is the science of language. is a set of rules and examples dealing with the word structures (morphology) and sentence structures (syntax) of a language. Usually a grammar consists of word classes, tenses, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. USES OF GRAMMAR There are several applications of grammatical study: (1) A recognition of grammatical structures is often essential for punctuation; (2) A study of one's native gr...

7C`s of Effective Communication

  Seven c's of Communication:   The Message is said to be effective when the receiver Understand the Same manning that the sender had intended to Convey for any Communication in business, in order to be effective, it must have Seven qualities. There Seven attributes are called   7Cs of effective Communication. All these attributes start with the alphabet "C" So cure Called Semen C`s. Definition : The 70's of Communication is a checklist that helps to improve the professional Communication skills and increases the chance that the message will be understood in the Same way as it was intended. 1.Correctness: Correctness implies that using the right Language. The Message should be correct i.e. a Correct Language should be used and the Sender must ensure that there is no grammatical and Spelling mistakes. Also, the message should be exact and well timid. The Correct messages have a greater impact on the receiver.   2.Clarity.   clarity demands the usage o...

How to Write Effective Essay

  ESSAY WRITING Essay is a written composition in which the author shares his/her knowledge about a certain topic. Many body paragraphs can also be developed into essays. In doing so, their topic sentences become thesis sentences sub topic sentences become topic sentences and concluding sentences become concluding paragraphs. Qualities of a Good Essay 1:Planned A good essay is the result of a careful planning and selection of material. Good essays are not produced abruptly but are prepared with careful consideration and thought. 2.Comprehensive: A good essay is comprehensive in its approach and vision. A well - written essay covers all the aspects related to the topic.   3.Objective : Though an essay reflects its writer's perspective but, to make it impressive, it should be objective and impartial.   4.Well-Balanced: A well - crafted essay is always well balanced. A good writer gives importance to each of its various parts and sections   5.Coh...