7C`s of Effective Communication


Seven c's of Communication:


The Message is said to be effective when the receiver Understand the Same manning that the sender had intended to Convey for any Communication in business, in order to be effective, it must have Seven qualities. There Seven attributes are called  7Cs of effective Communication. All these attributes start with the alphabet

"C" So cure Called Semen C`s.


The 70's of Communication is a checklist that helps to improve the professional Communication skills and increases the chance that the message will be understood in the Same way as it was intended.


Correctness implies that using the right Language. The Message should be correct i.e. a Correct Language should be used and the Sender must ensure that there is no grammatical and Spelling mistakes. Also, the message should be exact and well timid. The Correct messages have a greater impact on the receiver.

  2.Clarity.  clarity demands the usage of Simple Language and easy Sentences structure while Composing the message. The message should be clear and easily understandable to the recipient. The message should emphasize on a Single goal at a time and shall not Cover Several ideas in a Single Sentence.

3.Conciseness :

The message should be Precise and to the point. The Sender should avoid the lengthy Sentences and try to Convey the subject matter in the least possible words. The short and brief message is More Comprehensive and helps in retaining the receiver’s attention. A Concise Message save time as well as Cost of both the sender and the receiver. It underlies and highlights the main message Since it avoids using excessive and needless words..


 The message should be complete i.e. it must include all the relevant information also required by the audience. The message must bear all the necessary information to bring the response that the Sender desire. The Complete information gives answers to all the Questions of the receivers.


The Sender must take into Consideration the receivers opinions, knowledge, mindset background, etc. in order to have an effective Communication. Consideration in Communication means understanding the human nature. It demands to put Oneself in the places of the receivers while composing a message.


The Communication should be concrete which means the message should be clear and particularly Such that no room for misinterpretation is left. All the facts and Figure should be clearly mentioned in a message So as to Substantiate to whatever the Sender is saying. Concreteness reinforce Confidence of the Sender of the message.



It implies that the Sender must take into Consideration both the feelings and viewpoints of the receiver Such that the message is positive and focused at the audiences The message should not be biased and must include the terms that show respect for the recipient. The Sender of the message should Sincerely be polite. In business almost everything starts and ends in courtesy.


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